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Bowman Financial Strategies

Risk Tolerance &

Portfolio Analysis.

Portfolio analysis services in Englewood, Colorado

Risk Tolerance & Portfolio Analysis

We take the time to make sure we’re treating you fairly and according to your needs. One of the ways we do that is by performing a risk analysis on you; that means, we ask you questions to determine your risk tolerance, so we can align your retirement portfolio with those values.

For example, people beginning their careers—say in their 30s or 40s—have a higher tolerance for risk, generally speaking. They’re in what’s known as the “accumulation phase” of their income plan. They probably have time to recoup any losses they suffer from being more aggressive investors. For people in their 50s, though, or older, they’re nearing their life’s “distribution phase.” That means they’re trying to make sure they don’t outlive their income.

Of course this isn’t a one to one situation. Some younger clients are risk averse and some older clients are aggressive when it comes to the markets. Whatever your risk tolerance, we align your income and retirement income plans with your needs and values.

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