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Bowman Financial Strategies

Retirement Income Planning.

Retirement income planning services in Englewood, Colorado

Retirement Income Planning

No two careers follow the same trajectory. Following that, no two retirements are quite the same, either. Everyone will have different goals, needs, and strategies .

We take the time to listen to your needs and formulate a plan to take you from the accumulation phase of your life to the distribution phase. According to one study, 43% of people in America aren’t afraid of being bored, unable to travel, or dying in retirement—their #1 fear is outliving their money.¹ That number jumps to 60% when you look at Baby Boomers. These fears, according to the data, are justified: People in their 50s have only saved an average of $117,000 for retirement. Experts say a “healthy” retirement savings account would have something like six times a person’s current salary.¹ This disparity, to say the least, is striking.

Whatever your plan, and whatever your retirement goals, our firm could help you put together a retirement income plan. We’re ready to listen; we’re ready to lend our experience.

 ¹ Catey Hill, “Older People Fear This More than Death,” MarketWatch, accessed July 24, 2019,

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